Accepted papers of Algebraic Number Theory RIMS 2015 Bessatsu
There are three categories: Research Articles, Research Announcements and Survey Articles.
Research Articles
- Yu Iijima
On the indecomposability of the image of the universal pro-{l} outer monodromy representation of the moduli stack of once-punctured elliptic curves
- Hajime Kaneko and Takao Komatsu
Bernoulli-Carlitz and Cauchy-Carlitz numbers with Stirling-Carlitz numbers
- Megumi Takata
The infinite base change lifting associated to an APF extension of a p-adic field
Research Announcements
- 平川義之輔 (Yoshinosuke Hirakawa)
Cynk-Hulek 構成による保型的なCalabi-Yau 多様体の降下について
(On the descent of certain modular Calabi-Yau varieties via the Cynk-Hulek construction)
- 広瀬稔 (Minoru Hirose)
Gross の先頭項予想の精密化について
(On the refinement of Gross's Leading Term Conjecture)
- Haoyu Hu
Semi-continuity of total dimension divisors for l-adic sheaves (research announcement)
- 南出新 (Arata Minamide)
(On the indecomposability of profinite groups related to hyperbolic curves)
- 宮崎弘安 (Hiroyasu Miyazaki)
(On a generalization of modulus pairs and its applications)
- Florian E. Ito Sprung
Integral Euler systems and Main Conjectures
- Kazuki Tokimoto
Affinoids in the Lubin-Tate perfectoid space and special cases of the local Langlands correspondence in positive characteristic (announcement)
- 若林泰央 (Yasuhiro Wakabayashi)
休眠 GLn 乍の通常性について:研究報告 (On the ordinariness of dormant GLn-opers : a research announcement)
- Yu Yang
On the Existence, Geometry and p-Ranks of Vertical Fibers of Coverings of Curves
- 山本健人 (Kento Yamamoto)
対角的3 次曲面のChow群の明示的生成元の構成について (On construction of explicit generators of the Chow group of diagonal cubic surfaces)
- 太田和惟 (Kazuto Ota)
Mazur-Tate のBSD 型精密化予想について (On the Mazur-Tate refined conjecture of BSD type)
Survey Articles
- Keisuke Arai
A survey of rational points on Shimura curves
- 星裕一郎 (Yuichiro Hoshi)
続・宇宙際 Teichm\"uller 理論入門
(Introduction to Inter-universal Teichm\"uller Theory, Continued)
- Hironori Shiga and Atsuhira Nagano
One visualization of Shimura's complex multiplication theorem via hypergeometric modular functions
- 植木潤 (Jun Ueki)
分岐 Z_p 被覆の岩澤不変量(概説)
(On the Iwasawa invariants of branched Z_p-covers, a survey)